Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Some of you subbies are total losers- you know who you are!
You're not worthy of experiencing my fair, reasonable side. You're sad pathetic little shit bags who get a kick out of being abused by a beautiful bitch like me and so its worms and wasters like you that give me the perfect chance to free the bitch inside and let her lose on you! You need my firm, mean , strict side to kick your pathetic arse into shape and train you into a better slave
You spend your days being used and abused by the people around you. You're submissive in your day to day life, not like some subbies who are not actually losers at all, but enjoy being controlled by a beautiful women and enjoy power exchange.
This is not the sort of slave you are. You are an unworthy little worm and that's why you crawled over to my humiliation page. You recognise that you're a pathetic excuse for a man and you know you do not deserve to be rewarded for your tributes like some, but rather used and abused, humiliated, ignored and made to feel like the worthless little worm you really are!
If you're one of these losers, don't bother trying to apply for any other slave roles.
You're a loser through and through and jokes like you were born to be humiliated and used my beautiful, bitchy women like me. So leave your dignity at the door and crawl into the mean world of Goddess Shine

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